This “clear-eyed” incisive examination of Bill Clinton’s presidency is perfect for the reader so inclined not to want to wade through the extensive autobiography [b:My Life|49195|My Life|Bill Clinton||775862], or even the scholar not enough enamored with our 42nd president to devour a more verbose historical assessment compiled by others. Michael Tomasky is a talented and engaging writer who avoids any indictment possibly accusing him of carrying forth his own agenda. In light of the current election cycle in which a larger-than-life reality TV star wins the presidency over Clinton’s own wife Hillary, this book affords a rather insightful review of the ongoing drama and scandal that perpetuated and defined the Clinton years of 1993-2001. By book’s end I was exhausted, but somewhat relieved in knowing our country would not be again going through another round of the typical daily Clinton crisis that would have begun in January of 2017 had Hillary been elected. That is not to say the Trump years will be any better, but at least Donald’s opulent and vulgar occupancy will be more likened to a grandiose circus under the big top, a bombastic ringleader with orange hair, and a wide array of clowns galore.