19 Following

M Sarki

Besides being a poet with four collections published, M Sarki is a painter, film maker, and photographer. He likes fine coffee and long walks. 

M Sarki has written, directed, and produced six short films titled Gnoman's Bois de Rose, Biscuits and Striola , The Tools of Migrant Hunters, My Father's Kitchen, GL, and Cropped Out 2010. More details to follow. Also the author of the feature film screenplay, Alphonso Bow.

Currently reading

L'Appart: The Delights and Disasters of Making My Paris Home
David Lebovitz
We Learn Nothing: Essays
Tim Kreider
Fiona Mozley
Limbo, and Other Places I Have Lived: Short Stories
Lily Tuck
The Double Life of Liliane
Lily Tuck
At Home with the Armadillo
Gary P. Nunn
American Witness: The Art and Life of Robert Frank
RJ Smith
Karl Ove Knausgård, Ingvild Burkey, Vanessa Baird
Inside Out: A Personal History of Pink Floyd (Reading Edition)
Nick Mason
American Witness: The Art and Life of Robert Frank
J.R. Smith

On The Mountain: Rescue Attempt, Nonsense

On The Mountain: Rescue Attempt, Nonsense - Thomas Bernhard On the Mountain failed for the second time in making feel anything. The words Bernhard chose to put down on paper were at the least inaccessible to me and at best came from his unconscious where even he was left scratching his head. But this first work triumphed over time, remained alive and at rest all through the subsequent years of Bernhard’s astounding published masterpieces to follow. Haunting and poetic, lyrical in empty spaces, Bernhard held on to this manuscript. And for good reason relented in the end to having it published. Though little understood, and rarely enjoyed, On the Mountain provides a valuable look into Bernhard’s beginnings as a writer and is relevant to his oeuvre.