[a:Cory Taylor|4504374|Cory Taylor|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1463373744p2/4504374.jpg] first introduced me to Adam Phillips in her outstanding memoir titled [b:Dying: A Memoir|32898239|Dying A Memoir|Cory Taylor|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1478535180s/32898239.jpg|50269241]. Now having read several titles by Adam Phillips I have become enamored of his writing and personality. Unfortunately this book was more in the spirit of scientific history, specifically psychoanalysis, and he left me out in left field disappointed. Early on in the book Phillips teased me with the idea that Freud, though having six children with his perpetually parturient wife, was possibly more interested in the young men he gathered around him. But nothing more was noted and I question why Phillips suggested homoerotic behavior and then proceeded to never touch on the subject again. Not only did Phillips leave me hanging he also managed to bore me almost to death.